360° Photography Spins: From 12 to 72 Images

Confused by the differences between 12, 24, 36, or 72-image spins? Here, we offer visual examples to clarify the differences in 360° photography spins. A 360° spin showcases a product from all perspectives, with the number of images dictating the smoothness of the rotation. Increasing the number of images results in a smoother spin.

12-image Spin

A 12-image spin offers a fundamental overview, presenting a basic yet functional rotational perspective.

24-image Spin

Moving up to a 24-image spin adds more detail and smoother transitions between angles, resulting in a more refined presentation.

36-image Spin

A 36-image spin elevates the depth of detail, enriching the viewer's capacity to meticulously explore the subject.

72-image Spin

A 72-image spin delivers a seamless rotation that brings forth visuals of unparalleled detail and quality.


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